5 Health and Wellness Tips for Foster Carers

Fostering is a rewarding experience that makes a real difference in children’s lives. While it’s important to prioritise a foster child’s needs, it’s just as essential to make sure you’re at the top of your game. This is why you need to explore the following five health and wellness tips for foster carers.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a fantastic way to strengthen the mind and the body, so make sure you’re getting a least 30 minutes of moderate-intense exercise most days. As well as helping you continue providing the best possible care, exercise is also important for your foster children.

Combine exercise with opportunities to bond with your foster child, which can include playing sports at the park, going for walks, or even playing console fitness games. When you and your foster children are being active and having fun along the way, your bond will naturally strengthen.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Exercise alone isn’t enough to keep your mind and body strong; you also need to eat a healthy diet. Again, this isn’t only beneficial for you, it’s important for your foster children to enjoy healthy foods.

To encourage everyone in your household to eat healthily, we recommend cooking together. Not only will you have the opportunity to experiment with different foods, but your foster child may also begin to feel more comfortable with building a positive relationship with healthy foods.

Seek Support

Being a foster carer can be overwhelming at times, so it’s important to remember you’re never alone. When you have a strong agency like Orange Grove Foster Care in your corner, there will always be someone you can turn to for support. You may need advice on managing certain behaviours, tips for building stronger connections, or perhaps you’re in need of additional training.

Get Enough Sleep

The recommended amount of sleep for an adult is between 7-8 hours, but the foster care schedule may not always allow for this. To start setting your sleep pattern on the right path, we recommend writing a detailed schedule and sticking to it. When you’re well-rested, you will be more resilient and patient, which are both essential for being an effective foster carer.

Take Breaks

Fostering is rewarding, but there will be times when you need to step away and take a break. If you have a partner, you can simply ask them to spend some quality time with the foster child while you enjoy some personal time. However, if you’re a single foster carer, you may need some external support. Fortunately, foster agencies recognise this, which is why foster carers are entitled to a number of respite foster care days. This type of care gives you the opportunity to recharge your batteries, which makes a positive difference in both your life and the children in your care.

Foster carers are responsible for providing love, care, and support for children in need, but it’s equally as important to practice good health and wellness. Self-care not only allows foster carers to be more effective in their role, but it can also provide opportunities to strengthen the foster carer/child relationship.