Celebrate Love: 10 Gift Ideas for A Magically Creative Anniversary

Anniversaries are a time to mull over gift ideas that will celebrate the one you love but also remind you to take time to look back on all the unique ways that your love has changed your world… and the world around you. From inside jokes that only the two of you would ever comprehend to moments that you didn’t know how you were going to make it through…

Except for with the help of your partner.

If you are looking for ways to creatively celebrate a love that is already so very creatively the two of you, read on to find our gift expert’s list of gift ideas that are sure to please even the pickiest of partners.

Magic in a Mug

Rent your favorite movie that combines magic with romance. We especially love Practical Magic. Toss in a few ingredients into two new, lovely mugs, add hot water and cozy up for a night by the fire. For an even more lux gift, buy a new super soft blanket for two, matching robes or pajamas to celebrate. (And pst… if you are the Instagram type, you’ll have a built-in love-you post for later on in the year.)

Gatsby Nights

Missing getting out of the house? A lot of couples are still in limbo with when to go celebrate in public with the current state of the world and when to stay in. If you are a stay-in kind of bunch, consider creating a play list of songs from the 1920s over dinner. Pick up some period themed outfits and dance the night away. If you don’t want to dance the night away, you can snap the night away. Not only is this a memory that will stay in your mind, but it will make great photos for your grandchildren or just for yourselves.

Spa Day

If you’re more into golf and she’s more into relaxing, why not give her a little getaway before your big anniversary? Send her for a relaxing massage, something new like reiki if you like trying different things or a soothing facial. It will make her feel pampered and have her bragging to her friends that you really know her. Every woman needs a break from her everyday schedule and while this is a classic anniversary gift it is still creative if you give if for a pampering… before you take her out on the town.

Flowers for Years

Sounds like a lot… but the truth is that instead of buying a bouquet of flowers that will die and cost you 100 dollars… you can, instead, go to your local nursery or superstore and pick up seasonal plants, soil and fertilizer to plant a garden all of her own. Don’t forget to pick up things that she will need to take care of the garden itself and enjoy it more. Keep in mind… she might not want to add extra work, so make sure you let her know you are willing to take care of the garden if she would rather just enjoy it.

Glamping at Home

Getting away these days can be difficult. We are all coming in and out of quarantine. We never seem to know when the right time to travel is. If you are missing getting out and enjoying a new space, why not create your own space that you can return to time and time again? A beautiful little indoor tent can be as inexpensive as 20 bucks or as a lavish as a beautiful canvas tent that you would want to leave out year round. Line the tent with twinkle lights and make sure plenty of blankets are in the floor. You can take in a movie, a good book… or each other. It’s all up to you from there.

Bedroom Revamp

Getaways last a week or a weekend. A revamp of your own personal space lasts as long as you like! Check out his or her Pinterest boards to see what they really wish the house looked like… then buy items to make that happen. Upholstered beds are in at the moment. If you are going for a vintage feel – you have so many choices! From gypsy chic to art deco, use an inspiration pic and go from there. You might not be a designer, but you can fake it until you make it!

Name a Star

It might sound a little hokey, but if you and your partner are that quirky blend that love to watch New Girl together… this might be right up your alley. You can name a star for your partner or your relationship or even give it a name that is ridiculous. It all depends on what is special to you. Invest in a telescope or rent one so you can see your special star anytime you like. It is a great reminder that there is always light even in the darkness.

Book Club

If you have a reader on your hands, one book might feel like too little and twenty might be expensive. Instead, opt for a book club that comes to the door each month. That will allow them to choose genres that they love, explore new topics, and even get a few surprises here and there. Books are the gift that keep on giving and what better way to celebrate than year-round.

As you get ready to celebrate a day that is so very special to you and yours, we wish you the best anniversary yet. May each new year be better than the previous. May you always remember to take time to celebrate each other, what you have and where you have been but to also look ahead to where you are going. There is still so much of your story unwritten, and it is exciting to think that if you even took the time to search creative gift ideas that the romance is still VERY alive and well. Happy anniversary, friends! May it be what dreams are made of.