Dear all,
Grapevine has been helping spread the word about all the fab things to do in Brum since 2012, obviously these are unprecedented times with regards to COVID-19.
The Government has made it incredibly difficult for small (and large) businesses to know what to do for the best with regards to whether to stay open or not, Boris Johnson says stay away from pubs whilst his dad said he’ll be having a pint if he wants one – ok!
Many bars and restaurants have taken the decision to remain open as best they can, to try and maintain a degree of ‘normality’ whilst a vast amount of tours, both music and theatre have cancelled or postponed. Insurance claims are not possible unless the UK Government force establishments to close thus driving the need to stay open to gather whatever revenue they can to keep afloat.
In light of this here is our take on the situation:
The Facts on Covid-19
Firstly let’s look at the facts. According to Worldometers.info (which takes its information from government sources), there are currently 102,459 infected patients around the world, of which 95,938 (94%) have mild condition with 6,521 (6%) in a serious or critical condition. Most of those in the latter category are elderly with underlying health conditions (www.worldometers.info/coronavirus) more info can also be found here www.who.int.
Statnews has published this March 16th 2020.
“In a rare piece of good news about Covid-19, a team of infectious disease experts calculates that the fatality rate in people who have symptoms of the disease caused by the new coronavirus is about 1.4%. Although that estimate applies specifically to Wuhan, the Chinese city where the outbreak began, and is based on data from there, it offers a guide to the rest of the world, where many countries might see even lower death rates.The new figure is significantly below earlier estimates of 2% or 3% and well below the death rate for China based on simply dividing deaths by cases, which yields almost 4%. While it is still higher than the average 0.1% death rate from seasonal flu, it raises hopes that the worst consequence of the coronavirus will be uncommon.”
“The chance of someone with symptomatic Covid-19 dying varied by age, confirming other studies. For those aged 15 to 44, the fatality rate was 0.5%, though it might have been as low as 0.1% or as high as 1.3%. For people 45 to 64, the fatality rate was also 0.5%, with a possible low of 0.2% and a possible high of 1.1%. For those over 64, it was 2.7%, with a low and high estimate of 1.5% and 4.7%.”. www.statnews.com
Still Going Out?
Each bar or restaurant will be giving their own advice regards COVID-19 but this seems to be a general rule.
Some establishments will have hand santizer at the bar, but all will have soap in the toilets. It is vital that you wash your hands upon entry to the premises, and before leaving. If you suddenly feel unwell to go home immediately and use a tissue to catch any sneeze or cough (or cough/sneeze into your arm if need be).
Anyone with a new persistent cough and high temperature – STAY HOME. In respect of other customers and staff – common sense really (NHS advice is to stay at home if you have coronavirus symptoms).
Bars and restaurants are stepping up cleaning of handles and surfaces and some are offering table service and spacing out the seating
Anyone who has any symptoms or for those in the ‘at-risk’ categories, for your own well-being and others please read up on NHS advice before traveling to pubs and restaurants, it is YOUR responsibility to stay safe and keep others safe too, please also think about your responsibility to those in the ‘at-risk’ categories if you are in close contact: www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19
“Be sensible about where you are going to come into contact with infection,” says Sally Bloomfield, honorary professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and chairwoman of the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH). Read in The Times and The Sunday Times: apple.news
Here is the UK Government’s advice on how to protect the vulnerable and on social distancing: www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance
Bars and restaurants listed on Grapevine Birmingham are small to medium size and will be quiet from what we have seen right now anyway, with many people staying at home through self isolation or through being in the ‘at-risk’ categories aged 70 or older, those with an underlying health condition or those who are pregnant.
If you do wish to go out, are fit and healthy, and are able to do so without placing others at risk then the many bars and restaurants will be doing everything they can to minimise risk, we are sure will be extremely pleased to welcome you!
Where possible maybe think about vouchers for when things improve – a great way to help support your favourite establishment. Some will be offering take-outs and home delivery. A number of businesses are also offering some great discounts so please check their official social media pages and websites for availability and what’s on offer.
Whatever you choose to do, stay safe, remain positive, and let’s hope this resolves as soon as possible.
Grapevine Birmingham.
p.s. don’t steal the bog roll or hand wash.