Simple Steps To Improve The Air-quality At Home

Most people think of air pollution as an outside problem that emanates from bumper-to-bumper traffic and industrial smokestacks, while in reality, the air inside your home can be more polluted than outside. Indoor pollution can come from fire retardants, chemical emissions from cleaners, or pet dander. Some pollutants may arrive at your home with a piece of new furniture, carpet cleaners, or a coat of wall paint. Moreover, indoor pollutants can affect your health badly, especially after repeated exposure. The quality of indoor air is worse throughout wintertime since there is a limited flow of fresh air from the outside and it traps the irritants inside. Therefore, maintaining the quality of the air at your home is a must to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your family.

On that note, read on to find out significant steps that will help you improve the air quality in your home.

Keep Your Home Clean

Good indoor hygiene can diminish dust and animal dander. Make sure that you focus on getting rid of germs, mold, and dust by following a strict daily and weekly routine. Open the windows every morning to allow airflow throughout your house. This will remove stagnant air and keep your home fresh. Vacuum the carpets and rugs at least twice a week to remove lurking dust. Launder your bedding, curtains, and other items that can attract allergens, especially if you have pets. Never overlook decluttering because clutter holds dust that can trigger allergies.

Change Your Filters

Air-conditioning systems give your home the perfect temperature throughout the year. However, the more they cycle the air, the more they keep air pollutants. The air filters fill up and stop performing properly, which is something that deteriorates your indoor air quality and wears down your AC system as well. Therefore, you need to replace your AC filters regularly as suggested by the customer of Filter Buy, particularly if you are allergic or live in an area that has high levels of pollution. Consider having your ducts cleaned as well to remove trapped dust by following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Consider Air Purifiers

If you have pets and find it hard to get rid of them even though you’re allergic to pet dander, invest in the best air purifier for pets. Purifiers, especially ionic ones, help capture some allergens that trigger your symptoms. You won’t be able to remove these irritants completely, but at least you can reduce them, which may fix the problem. Investing in a dehumidifier in damp areas helps to prevent the growth of mold. Your bathroom is a potential source of mold, so make sure it has good ventilation and scour any visible reek that usually collects in the shower and walls. If you like to keep things natural, look no further than beeswax candles as they have air-purifying qualities. Beeswax candles reduce contaminants in your home, smell amazing, and create a wonderful ambiance as well.

Embrace Greenery

While indoor plants may collect and foster the growth of putrefaction, some houseplants help remove toxins from the air in your home. They also provide additional oxygen and are a beautiful addition to your interiors. However, not all houseplants are equally useful. Plants like Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, and Gerbera Daisy make excellent natural air purifiers. Some plants are allergy triggers for many people, so if these plants cause you irritations, make sure you keep them outdoors in your garden or balcony.

Avoid Smoking at Home

If you’re a smoker, you may want to consider keeping a no smoking indoors rule from here on out. The chemicals released from cigarettes’ smoke increase the risk of developing asthma, ear infections, and cancer. Secondhand smoke is probably the most important aspect of indoor pollution. That’s why you should never smoke or allow anyone to light a cigarette in your home. Ideally, you can stop smoking with the help of support groups and medications. However, if you cannot stop this habit, make sure you avoid smoking at home.

Maintaining pure and breathable air in your home requires diligence. You need to be aware of the dangers indoor pollution can cause and work earnestly on cutting it down. Now that you’re familiar with some steps you can apply yourself to reduce indoor air pollution, consider embracing new habits and changes to your daily routine. Moreover, you can check other services that offer AC filter replacements and cleaning companies that use eco-friendly cleaners to help keep your air clean. Follow a hygienic routine that allows you to breathe easy knowing that the air in your home is pure and sterile.