How to Sell Your Home Quickly and Beat the Birmingham House Price Drop

According to research by Yes Homebuyers, house prices in Birmingham could fall by as much as 1% by the end of 2022.

The homebuying platform has advised that the drop is a result of both the furlough scheme and the stamp duty holiday coming to an end at around the same time. They estimate that the value of homes in Birmingham could drop by an average of ​​£2,119, so if you are thinking of selling, it could be a good idea to do it sooner rather than later.

If you want to ensure that your home sells quickly, there are a few things that you can do.

Put it on the market at the right time

Traditionally, it is much harder to sell your house if you put it on the market in the summer or winter.

Children are home from school in the summer, and families are frantically trying to get their holidays in. In the same way, people are preparing for Christmas and other winter celebrations in the winter and may be less inclined to move.

Ensure that your house is ready to go on the market in time for autumn or spring, as these are easier times to sell.

Get the price right

It’s worth getting a proper valuation of your property to ensure that you price it correctly. Price it too low, and you might lose yourself some money, too high, and you might put off potential buyers.

Get valuations from at least three estate agents to get a good idea of a realistic value for your property.

Increase curbside appeal

The first impression potential buyers get of your home comes when they look at it from the outside, so make sure it looks tidy and well presented.

Painting your doors and window frames can go a long way towards making your home look better from the outside, as can paying some attention to your garden. Be sure to mow the lawn and get rid of any weeds.

In particular, be on the lookout for ragwort. There have been reports of the poisonous weed flourishing in the Midlands, and potential buyers won’t want to deal with its removal. You must seek professionals for Ragwort removal because it can cause liver damage and breathing difficulty if you’re exposed to it.

Declutter your home

People are much more likely to want to buy a home that looks fresh and free from clutter, so it’s worth decluttering your home if you’re going to make a quick sale.

You could even make a little money selling the things you don’t need on sites like eBay, and as a bonus, there will be less stuff for you to move – win-win!

Cleaning and maintenance

Inside your home, ensure that it is clean and that you have tackled any DIY jobs. Seeing things like loose cupboard doors or damp areas can be off-putting for a buyer, so you must take the time to deal with these issues.

Conducting the viewing

Finally, the viewing itself. There are a few things to remember when conducting a house viewing:

  • Start and finish with the best room – this will leave a good impression.
  • Don’t sell too hard – it never works! Instead, try to build genuine rapport and provide helpful information. It can be beneficial to provide information packs about the local area, for example.
  • Give your potential buyers space to look around independently.
  • Decide on the order of the tour in advance. If you have a plan, it will help you to feel more relaxed and confident.