How to Stay Mentally and Physically Healthy At Home: 10 Helpful Tips

If you are struggling with trying to stay healthy, you came to the right place. If you feel that you or a loved one, either due to cognitive decline or mobility issues, might need professional live-in care.

Keeping your mind and body in top shape is possible. It’s not easy, but these tips can help.

1 – Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are essential for your health. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Raw in a salad, blended into a smoothie, or cooked in a hot meal – any way you can, get fruits and vegetables into your diet.

2 – Get enough sleep

Getting too little sleep can lead to many health problems such as an increased chance of getting heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and even cancer. Too much sleep can lead to lethargy and depression. You should be getting between 7 and 9 hours of good sleep a night. It’s important for your physical and mental health.

3 – Plan your meals

Instead of going to the store at every meal time, we recommend that you plan what you’ll eat in advance. You will save time and money by buying groceries in bulk. Plus, it will increase your chances of making sure you are maintaining a healthy and varied diet.

4 – Make sure you get enough exercise

A sedentary lifestyle is not good for anyone’s health. This is difficult to avoid for people who are having to work remotely. According to some studies, sitting for more than six hours per day can lead to rapid weight gain and an increased risk of cancer. So, try to get out of your house as often as possible or walk around your neighbourhood during breaks. Also, try to lift weights in order to prevent muscle atrophy.

You don’t need to go to a gym, but you do need to get your heart rate up regularly. Try aerobics or dance in your living room during breaks, and get outside for regular brisk walks.

5 – Use stress relievers such as yoga or meditation

Stress is one of the biggest enemies of our body and mind. It can easily ruin our health and put us on the verge of depression and other mental disorders. That’s why we recommend that you learn how to manage stress properly.

For example, yoga is a great way to reduce stress and feel better about yourself. If you’re not interested in yoga, try meditation. Incorporate simple breathing exercises into your routine.

6 – Find ways to entertain yourself

If you don’t have any friends or family nearby, we recommend that you find ways to entertain yourself that don’t require leaving your home. For example, you can play games online such as online chess. This can be a great way to stay fit mentally while having fun at the same time.

Read a book or, better yet, write a book! These kinds of activities are more active (mentally) than the passive activity of watching movies. You can still watch movies, but don’t neglect more mentally engaging activities like reading or problem-solving games.

7 – Keep your phone away from you when sleeping

We all need time to recharge the batteries regularly. This means disconnecting and getting a proper night’s rest. If you work remotely from home, it’s easy for you to get distracted by mail messages or social media notifications which can ruin your sleep schedule if not kept under control. That’s why we recommend that you keep the phone away from your bed while sleeping so that you won’t get disturbed by notifications during the night.

It’s also not a good idea to start your day off by going on-line. Your notifications can wait. Give your mind and body the time to wake up after a night’s rest. You will avoid the temptation of going on-line first thing in the morning if your phone is not near your bed.

8 – Drink plenty of water

Water is probably the most important element on planet Earth. It’s full of minerals crucial for our body and mind. That’s why it’s recommended that we consume 3.7 liters of fluids for men and 2.7 liters of fluids for women each day in order to stay healthy. Avoid sugary drinks like soda and juice as much as possible. Instead of that, try drinking more water or unsweetened tea. You’ll be healthier and happier for it.

9 – Get a hobby

Being productive is one thing and having a hobby is another. Getting a hobby is very important because it helps you improve your mental health by offering you an outlet for creative expression. For example, if you like writing, you can join a writing group or start writing your own blog. You can also try painting or knitting. The possibilities are endless.

10 – Don’t forget to socialize

Although we are living through a difficult time where social distancing is standard practice, socializing in real life is still very important for our overall well-being. That’s why we recommend that you find ways to socialize with people near you or online.

Reach out to people, invite them over for dinner. It will do wonders for your social life. Also, explore the many online communities and forums where you can stay in touch with friends and family and even make new ones.


Mental and physical health are often related, both in their causes and their treatments. And when you’re working remotely it can be easy to neglect one or the other or both. We have to stay vigilant and persevere.