Why is health and safety important in the workplace?

Establishing and maintaining a safe working environment is key to the success of any business. Workplace health and safety ensures you’re managing risks to protect your staff and your business. It’s morally right to ensure your workers return home safe and healthy at the end of a workday. But there are other reasons why it’s important beyond this.

Get the right kit

It’s one thing knowing the rules of health and safety, but it’s another having the appropriate equipment to be able to follow them. Safe tools are obviously crucial. But providing the correct footwear, clothing and protective items such as helmets and safety goggles are also important to maintaining health and safety in the workplace. The rise in need for powered air purifying respirator papr equipment is also something that needs great attention, sourcing reliable breathing aparatus for work or in emergency situations needs due diligence and research.

Reducing absences

If your staff are working in an unsafe environment, it’s highly likely that there will be frequent injuries resulting in days off work. By improving safety you’re more likely to run an efficient business, with happy, less disrupted workers.

Boosts productivity

A safe environment has been proven to boost productivity. Workers have higher morale knowing that they can complete their job in a safe and easy environment, without having to worry. Alongside injury, stress is one of the main causes of absences from work – by creating a less threatening environment, you’re taking a step to ease stress.

Here are some ways of improving health and safety in your workplace.

Educate the workforce

Effective health and safety falls on the shoulders of everyone working there. Be sure that effective training is provided to staff to avoid occupational ill health regularly. This teaches staff the risks, shows them how to avoid the risks, how to spot a risk, and how to report it.

Effective equipment training

Staff need proper training for use of equipment. You also need to have someone who is first aid trained; in order to highlight the fire exits and routes, and to provide personal protective equipment to staff. Your insurance might not cover all the costs if something goes wrong – but adequate training can limit damage to products and tools.

Written policy

Codifying health and safety is a major step towards spreading awareness in your workplace. Have a written policy with posters present throughout the building so staff are always aware of them. Make sure to also get the right equipment and have a proper training programme in place. Safety signs are essential to remind or warn staff about potential risks during the day to day work routine, you may wish to look these up when purchasing safety signs.

Creating a healthy working environment helps everyone to succeed within your business. By making all your staff aware of safety rules and measures, you can boost morale and productivity. It can seem like a daunting task, but by following the tips above you can ensure that your workplace isn’t a dangerous place to be.