3 Features of SMS Marketing That Make It a Must for Businesses

Mass text messaging or bulk messaging is a great way for businesses to advertise in front of thousands of subscribers. It helps them save valuable time and effort by communicating with a large audience at the same time. As mass texting isn’t restricted to certain industries and businesses, it can be used by everyone to send special offers and promotions. In this article, I am going to highlight three features of bulk SMS that are priceless for businesses.

Opens Up a New Channel for Customer Engagement

As we have entered an era of digitalization, most businesses are focused on advertising through the internet. Where internet marketing is a great way to engage with your online customers, you also need to pay some attention to your offline clients. A mass text app is a great way to connect with your audience and form a communication path that doesn’t involve the internet.

Fast Turnaround Time

One of the greatest benefits of using text message marketing is that it has a higher open rate compared to emails. 95% of messages that are sent are read within the first three seconds of delivery, which is a huge plus point if we are talking about mere reach. So, text messages are inarguably the best way to inform your customers about sales and promotions.

Can Be Integrated with Other Channels

Marketing is all about making sure that all the channels that you use to advertise your business work well together. If one channel gets in the way of another, it will be counterproductive to your success. A unique feature of SMS marketing is that you can use it to enhance and support other marketing channels. For example, you can use a message to remind your customers to read an email sent to them or to like your social media page.